The heartbreak of creativity: a public service announcement

ross jobsA version of this piece originally aired on CBC Radio’s “Breakaway.” You can hear the original audio version here.

Hello, I’m Ross Murray, beloved columnist, salad dressing connoisseur and author of the best-selling self-help book Don’t Kid Yourself, Mister. Today, I’d like to talk about a condition that afflicts 2 out of 6 Canadians and in some areas as many as 1 in 3. I’m talking about… creativity.

Creativity can strike anyone, anytime, though probably not before 10 a.m. Creative people are just like you and me, except with weirder clothes and occasionally dubious hygiene. Creativity is a highly distracting affliction, but, with regular treatment and flattery, most creative people lead full, productive lives… Let me try that again: most creative people lead full lives.

There are two types of creativity. Some people are born creative, although early creativity remains difficult to diagnose. Many parents become convinced that their child is creative based on adorable fridge drawings and elaborate theatrical productions involving stuffed animals, but thankfully most children grow up to be only mildly creative or not very creative at all. Often creativity doesn’t manifest itself until late adolescence when the child displays signs of wanting to go to art school. Nothing can prepare a parent for that kind of shock.

Unlike genetic creativity, many people develop type 2 creativity later in life due to a deficiency in career fulfillment and Vitamin B. In recent years, type 2 creativity has reached pandemic proportions due to the proliferation of self-published semi-autobiographical novels. Every year, Type 2 creativity costs the economy roughly $2 billion in lost productivity, mostly due to people posting artistically filtered Instagram photos of their lunch during office hours.

Thankfully, Type 2 creativity can be managed through painting classes, amateur theatre and writing groups, although these measures can do only so much to control the creative type’s craving for constant validation.

Here are some of the warning signs of creativity:

  • Feelings of euphoria quickly followed by feelings of utter worthlessness
  • Feelings of being misunderstood and unappreciated
  • An irrational belief that you could really make a go of it if you only had more time
  • Dancing like there’s nobody watching even when everyone is watching… and pointing…
  • Complete disinterest in organized sports
  • Complete inability in organized sports
  • Overwhelming feelings of ennui when you realize that nothing rhymes with “poetry”
  • Using “ennui” in everyday sentences
  • Difficulty concentrating on a single idea without being… barracudas in sombreros would look awesome
  • Ostentatious use of colours and


  • Dreadlocks

Fortunately, there is hope. While in the past, a person living with creativity would be ostracized and helplessly dependent on Canada Council grants, today, thanks to research and greater awareness that they’re only half-listening to you, creative people are fully integrated into society – except in Alberta.

In addition, many schools are combatting creativity with “One Child, One iPhone” programs.

You can do your part to fight creativity by continuing to vote Conservative and by wearing on your lapel the plaid ribbon inscribed with a short Tibetan prayer and a small bell on the end. Talk to your loved ones. Help them realize that there is no shame in creativity, or money for that matter. Working together, we can bring creativity out of the closet because, frankly, we need room in there for all those oil paintings.


About rossmurray1

I'm Canadian so I pronounce it "Aboot." No, I don't! I don't know any Canadian who says "aboot." Damnable lies! But I do know this Canadian is all about humour (with a U) and satire. Come by. I don't bite, or as we Canadians say, "beet."
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268 Responses to The heartbreak of creativity: a public service announcement

  1. minus dreadlocks- that was me in high school…

  2. Everything except the dreadlocks (that must be a Canadian thing.)

    Thanks for this post – I needed it today.

  3. byebyebeer says:

    Bringing creativity out of the closet to make room for all those oil paintings… paraphrased, but that was my favorite part of this brilliant post. Wonderful read.

  4. markbialczak says:

    Latest entry in the slam competition, Ross: ‘I used to be creative, and then I got a job.’

  5. benzeknees says:

    Why are you singling out Alberta? I live in Alberta & I’m very creative – I write & other things.

    • rossmurray1 says:

      Had to pick a province and, you know, when in doubt go for the cheap-shot stereotypes. In retrospect, should have gone with Saskatchewan; it sounds funnier.

      • benzeknees says:

        Have you got any followers from Saskatchewan? Maybe you were trying to be controversial & get a rise out of me? Get me to comment again? Pay attention to what you write? Just because I don’t always comment doesn’t mean I’m not reading – it usually means I’m behind in my reading again because I keep finding more wonderful bloggers to follow & then I can’t keep up!

  6. “Feelings of euphoria quickly followed by feelings of utter worthlessness”. If this is a criteria, I’ve got creativity coming out my ears. Waiting for the euphoria to return…

  7. List of X says:

    It’s a huge problem here in the US, too.
    And we know it’s often a genetic condition. For example, my dad got it from me.

  8. Paul says:

    In my eagerness to learn more about my affliction of creativity, I clicked on the link : “You can hear the original audio version here.” and I learned about “Hamster-based learning”, “Drinking”, “Lawn Ornaments’ and various other exciing topics. But no “Creativity”. I checked all the way back to 2011 and either I missed it or this was an attempt at “Shameless Self-Promotion” (another topic, by the way). I must admit, this was a creative way to get us poor blog readers to dlve further into your tortured soul, Ross. Clever. Very creative. Be gone oh Ennui! Come hither, oh, Euphoria!

    • rossmurray1 says:

      Oops. Usually they’re pretty quick about posting the audio. Come back again. (Oh THAT old line…!) Thanks for listening to them, though. You are a rare blogger indeed.

  9. Ned's Blog says:

    I’ve read this post at least 10 times now and I don’t understand a word of it. Are you saying this creativity thing is spread through intimate contact? Like static electricity? I’m baffled. Don’t we put some kind of cream in babies’ eyes when their born to prevent this sort of thing?

    (On another note, I think this is probably my favorite post of yours that I’ve read, Ross. Brilliantly funny my friend. I laughed from start to finish. All 10 times.)

  10. This might be the funniest thing I’ve read over here. And that’s saying something. It’s like you unscrewed the top of my cranium, peered inside and reported your findings.

    I just read Ned’s comment and he said pretty much the same thing. I think you’re onto something here. This is GOLD, Rosemary. GOLD. Where are those FreshPress jack-offs when you need them?

    • rossmurray1 says:

      Golly! (Don’t you think more people should say “golly”? So retro, you know what I mean?) Thanks. I thought this was only so-so, so what do I know? I think it’s a case of “know your doubt-plagued audience.” As for FP, there’s apparently some way to recommend a post, but don’t ask me how.

      • So-so?! Holy smokes. (They should start saying that again, too.) If that’s so-so, then Prince Albert is in a can, your ass is grass and my lip shits.

        If I had known there was a way to recommend a post for FP, I’d have been recommending each of mine all along. Is that allowed?

        • rossmurray1 says:

          Ha! I believe I’ve seen some self-recommends on Twitter. And why not? If you think your piece is worthy, why be shy? But who knows if it has an impact. Those FP ways are mysterious.

          • Ummm…because you’d sound like a megalomaniac and an idiot recommending your own stuff? That was one of my clever sarcasms. There’s no way you should do that.

            • rossmurray1 says:

              Hang on, hang on. I’ve never done it because, well, I feel queasy just thinking about it. But, going back to the topic of this post, creative people tend to be shy about promoting themselves — the business end, if you will. But we all do it by posting to our Twitter or Facebook accounts, so why not promote this way too?

      • El Guapo says:

        I think they have an email address. You can also ping them on twitter. @freshlypressed, I think.
        This is an excellent post. Definitely deserves the recognition.

  11. Letizia says:

    I think I read that they are making creativity legal in some states here in the U.S.

    Brilliant post, Ross!

  12. Gianni says:

    Reblogged this on Telefoniaone's Blog.

  13. It’s a shame that such a common illness can’t be cured… 😝

  14. Lily says:

    It’s weird that you’re a best selling author and you can’t spell the word “colour” correctly.

  15. El Guapo says:

    I hope w can out the creatives, then maybe move them into some sort of facility.
    I need that valuable refrigerator space for my doctors appointment cards, not those whimsical kids drawings!

  16. franhunne4u says:

    Ooops – so many creationists on here 😉
    What, if we do not live in a real world but in one just existing in some creative mind? Should we BAN creativity – or make it a religion??

  17. rarasaur says:

    😀 Loved this! I’m married to a type 2, thankfully sans-dreadlocks. (On an almost related note, there’s this strange reoccurring theme amongst people who dream of me– in many many of their dreams, I have dreads.)

    Also, when a word doesn’t have a true rhyme, you can always go Seussian and make one up.

    Awkward Nigel Moetly,
    loved to read his poetry.

    • rossmurray1 says:

      That’s great. Ever read any Ogden Nash? He was a master of that as well. He was big in his day but I don’t know if anyone even knows who he was anymore.

      The cow is of the bovine ilk; one end is moo, the other milk.

      • rarasaur says:

        I am, perhaps unsurprisingly, a fan of Nash, 🙂 Since I’m turning 30 in August, I’ve had his “A lady who thinks she is 30” running in my mind… “Miranda in Miranda’s sight is old and gray and dirty, 29 she was last night, this morning she is thirty.” It’s not one of his ill-rhymed or nonsensical ones, but I like it nonetheless. 😀

  18. Eve Elizabeth says:

    Reblogged this on evemeredith and commented:
    I love this writer.

  19. ksbeth says:

    yes, i recognize the symptoms, while i do have a lot of hair, i have yet to try the dreadlock route. and you had me at salad dressing connoisseur. there is almost nothing more alluring in a man.

  20. genderenvoy says:

    LOL @ “dreadlocks”

  21. pjoy93 says:

    Crap. I just quit my job because I thought I could make a go of it if I only had more time.

  22. Laura says:

    “Combating creativity with One child, One iPhone”…. So sad, but so true. Thanks for the backhanded encouragement to artists everywhere.

  23. Katie says:

    It all sounded familiar until “dreadlocks” were mentioned.

  24. newfnd says:

    My name is New and I have Type 2 creativity… *pauses for group’s slow-clap*

  25. Talia Hardy says:

    I have Hypergraphia. No one new why until a scan revealed ‘suspicious activity’ in my temporal lobes. They tried pills to quell the impulses but I had compliance problems. Eventually I escaped and took up residence in cyberspace. And somewhere along the way I began to realise…. Oh look there goes a butterfly.

  26. weneedhints says:

    Thank goodness I opted out of getting dreadlocks. Loved this by the way! Gave me some much needed chuckles.

  27. Funny post. They also have Etsy shops!

  28. JC says:

    Pssht! There’s nothing irrational about my belief that I could really make a go of it if I had more time. Nothing, I tell you! Damn these limited hours in a day…

  29. aldinette says:

    If only my hand can accurately draw or paint, then I wouldn’t be just daydreaming about mermaids, unicorns and fractals…

  30. Trent Lewin says:

    Best post ever. Nothing more need be said. Except I feel that I should stick up for Alberta, somehow…

  31. afreshsliceofrye says:

    Reblogged this on afreshsliceofrye.

  32. Fresh says:

    Reblogged this on Fresh Photography.

  33. Trent Lewin says:

    And interestingly enough, because of you, I’m going to use the word “ennui” in a post title. It’s inevitable.

    Hell of a post. Really.

  34. thewayniac says:

    Absolutely hilarious. I even read some of your comments on the way down and they are hilarious. I think I snotted a little bit on this one: I got my good looks from my son.
    Anyway, while I am a sports blogger, I do have an interest in sports, but don’t worry, I don’t have any ability to play them. And I am totally focused on one.. ooooh look a penny!
    This was great. I laughed the whole way through. Looking forward to more!

  35. umm……..

    ………darn it!

  36. sotonz says:

    Reblogged this on sotonz's Blog and commented:
    Teens beware

  37. Guandra says:

    Even I don’t really understand. But yeah…creativity for looking penny indeed right. 😀

  38. dhoconnor says:

    Reblogged this on dhoconnor and commented:
    Big 🙂

  39. Checkim says:

    Nice article,glad i came across it….while am i here,why don’t you check out this

  40. Day's Lee says:

    Reblogged this on Day's Lee and commented:
    Are you creative? Read this funny post by Ross Murray about creative people.

  41. bikerchick57 says:

    “Difficulty concentrating on a single idea without being… barracudas in sombreros would look awesome.”

    Bunny! Squirrel! Bright shiny thing! (In case the barracudas in sombreros do not work in your next post.) Excellent creativity, worthy of a pressing. Congrats!

  42. Well, I do have dreadlocks. Not by choice. My kids never let me take a shower.

  43. thatmomsie says:

    What if you have all of these symptoms, minus dreads, are creative in your mind, but lack any such motivation to put that creativity to work? Does that make you a conservative? 😉

  44. th3bak3rman says:

    I never considered myself a creative person, yet 9 out of 11 items on the list apply to me on some level or another. [You can rule out the last item, as I am bald, that is no dreaded hair to lock.]

  45. I think I currently display many of the symptoms of creativity! So clever and funny. 🙂

  46. juddin97 says:

    Damn, you should write a post on how to be as funny as you are 🙂

  47. Reblogged this on Humyn and commented:
    This is a clever and funny blog post. I think many of us have some symptoms of creativity. 🙂

  48. Alison says:

    This is hysterical. Thanks for a good laugh and congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  49. hilarious! well written! I love Canada..

  50. I must be type 1,2,3,4,5 and so on for Creativity!

  51. mmhomer1 says:

    Reblogged this on mhomer1 and commented:
    Funny 🙂

  52. nerdycanuck says:

    Reblogged this on Best Of and commented:
    Heartbreak of Creativity: I loved this blog and wanted to share this everywhere. It’s going on Pinterest- Warning: If I like a blog this much.. I pin it.

  53. I believe I am a rare case…Or at least curious as to if it is possible to carry both Type 1: Genetic and Type 2 Creativity? Halfway through elementary school, teachers became afraid of my type 1 creativity so they sent me away once a week with others that potentially shared my condition. However, later on and most recently I have begun showing symptoms of Type 2…The latter of which I think has a lot to do with me feeling the need to blog my rambling thoughts for the world to see. Any clever suggestions for curbing the side effects and symptoms of both Type 1 and Type 2 Creativity?

  54. “Ennui” is one of my favorite words. I even have a colorful hand-made drawing of it on my fridge.

  55. Fae Winters says:

    Reblogged this on M/M Paranormal Romance and commented:
    This is awesome! This is perfect for anyone with a creative bone.

  56. thanks for this very creative look on I wrote a similar post about creativity, I do love the last line about bringing it out of the closet to make room for more oil paintings,..<3 that please check out my Manifest Destiny,Maker manifesto..aka..ode to creativity here…

  57. segmation says:

    Hi Ross, I enjoyed this blog. I think that creativity though not only hits those Canadians but us American’s as well. Happy painting!

  58. Paul Bowler says:

    Brilliant post, think I’m kinda type 1 spliced with type 2, but without the dreadlocks!

  59. Creative Mr. Murray. Love the imbedded sarcasm.

  60. Greg says:

    Any man who uses the word ‘thricely’ is a man I approve wholeheartedly of.
    Fine work, sir!

  61. Haha wow. You are talking to me directly dreadlocks and all. Bravo. Viva la ideas

  62. tbree1 says:

    loved this post! Sounds like a description of me alright! (Although I do not wear dreadlocks – i have let my hair do its own thing for weeks tho 😉

  63. Reblogged this on A Musing Author and commented:
    I love what he’s saying and the humorous ways he’s saying it. This brilliant article on creativity is a work of art!

  64. pezcita says:

    This is so true! To be honest, I’m not sure if I’m a creative person or not. I certainly wasn’t a creative child, but everybody develops at different points along the way, right?

  65. haridasgowra says:

    great post……………#wordpress!

  66. “Every year, Type 2 creativity costs the economy roughly $2 billion in lost productivity, mostly due to people posting artistically filtered Instagram photos of their lunch during office hours.” He he love this …

  67. obzervashunal says:

    Fantastic piece. Thanks for helping me start the day with a smile!

  68. This is great, I can relate to everything except for the dreadlocks! But you see I work with posh hair products so dreadlocks is not a good idea…

  69. J. Kennedy says:

    Wow, this piece (and i never use this expression) made my day. And really, when you consider the enormity that task- actually MAKING someone’s day- all those components, actions, experiences and interactions, it’s crazy.
    But seriously, very well done sir.

    • rossmurray1 says:

      I’m looking at the cosmic greatness of your avatar and it makes me realize how small and insignificant one day really is in the vast immeasurable scheme of things. You know what is big, though? My thanks.
      (Whew, that was a lot of work!)

  70. J. Kennedy says:

    Reblogged this on j. kennedy's theory of everything and commented:
    For the successful, struggling, & starving writers and artists; this is the best blog you’ll read all week.

  71. Very nice! I was waiting for you to point out the “organized clutter”. Our precious projects that we have to use the word organized with in order to gain acceptance from – the other people.

  72. Tinansubuga says:

    I have type 2 creativity. Deep down I know/ think I am extremely creative. I fight a battle between being too talented and actually not having any talent at all. therefore a battle between worrying about not getting recognised for my talents or being ashamed when the world realises I have zero talent haha . Brilliant article 🙂

  73. Reblogged this on simplycomplex and commented:

  74. Hahaha. This was highly amusing, I was giggling quietly in my cubicle while reading it.

    Is there no hope for Type1 creativity? Is there no hope? We don’t HAVE those kind of creativity combating programs in the US- oh, wait, I think our standard educations system actually treats it pretty well, never mind.

    While it’s definitely a sign of Type 2 creativity, I hate it so much when people insist they could X if only they had the time. Grates on my nerves; clearly they do not understand how most actual painters or writers or whatever actually create their art – in the cracks of time they have.

    • rossmurray1 says:

      Cracks of time indeed. I’m just coming off a long weekend of being by myself at home — a rarity, trust me. And I wrote and wrote and wrote. It was frankly exhausting. In fact, having the long spaces of time between actual doing allows me to think and stew, rather than just forging ahead. Vivres les cracks!

  75. afope says:

    haha. I’m creative!!

  76. Reblogged this on Stay Positive! and commented:
    Good that he listed Dreadlocks… else I would be fully diagnosed as creative!

  77. jackiemallon says:

    Ha, check on so many levels, even the dreadlocks! I was 17 and Type 2 had worked its way.all through me. It went downhill from there right through to the semi autobiographical novel last year. They’ve exhausted all treatment options.

  78. Anna Louise says:

    Great post, thanks

  79. Amlakyaran says:

    very nice post… thanks

  80. H.G. Fields says:

    Reblogged this on H.G. Fields and commented:
    I often suffer from this affliction, too.

  81. dragoncatt says:

    Reblogged this on In a Nutshell.

  82. dragoncatt says:

    Why does everyone seem to think dread locks are the most out there part of that list? Come to Santa Cruz! And why are sports and creativity mutually exclusive? I tend to think they involve similar processes. But then again I was always the smallest kid on the team.

    • rossmurray1 says:

      Or Salt Spring Island in BC.
      All joking aside (because that was kind of the point), athletes are creative in their own way. My son plays basketball, point guard, and a term I hear is how a player “sees the floor” — seeing the possibilities and movements before they happen. It’s almost mathematical.

  83. mitcheywitchey says:

    help i think i have creativity what can i do?

  84. christawojo says:

    What about ostentatious use of punctuation?????!!!!!

  85. nathandoneen says:

    Nail on the head…I suffer from type 2 creativity myself. My dominant symptom are the cycling feelings of elation and worthlessness. Thank you for helping me with the diagnosis.

    Loved the post

  86. I love the thumb on the chin photo, good job.

  87. Pingback: An Open Letter to Mr Ross Murray « Jill's Scene

  88. jillscene says:

    Reblogged this on Jill's Scene and commented:

    Two days since first reading this and still laughing!

  89. aubreyglantz says:

    Reblogged this on The Writer Monkey.

  90. “An irrational belief that you could really make a go of it if you only had more time” is not a sign of creativity. It is the sign of a wannabe creativite. I hear a form of this line every time I do a book signing or anyone finds out I am a published writer. Then I have to stand and listen to their rehashed uninspired ideas for novels, and eager offers of sending me their five page manuscript written ten years earlier. I’ve learned to smile and do my magic disappearing act, leaving only the pained smile hanging in the air. I was born creative.

    • rossmurray1 says:

      I once had a self-proclaimed Marilyn Monroe expert outline the plot for his sci-fi novel in which Marilyn and JFK time travel in order to kill Hitler, setting off parallel universes and I think a robot uprising. I never did get to hear how it turned out. Nod and smile, nod and smile, hope for rescue. Thanks for your comment.

  91. Grumpa Joe says:

    You forgot to mention that creativity is hard work.

  92. Very well observed. I’ve got the long hair (and probably the bad hygiene, but my wife is good to me and only tells me bout it if we’re going out), but they aren’t dreads yet.
    I also happen to think another symptom of true creativity is the dislike of the word creative as a noun, as in: yes, I’m a creative. A creative what? This is usually uttered by people who believe that a Christmas card containing their hand-drawn interpretation of an otter, and printed from their home computer set up, is the epitome of creativity itself.

  93. christinakenny123 says:

    First time I have ever come across your blog! I love it! Very much enjoyed reading this. Made me smile. I write a humor based blog too. I’d love some tips if you had any?

    • rossmurray1 says:

      I’ll have a look but giving humour tips is like trying to describe how to play golf: theoretically possible but not especially helpful. We’ll see… Thanks for the comment.

    • rossmurray1 says:

      I got one. You’re dating piece. “Get a t-shirt made with a photo of your future child on the front.” That made me chuckle. But stop right there. Don’t milk it. OR better yet, build on it somehow, making it crazier and even more exaggerated/twisted, i.e. “Ask him seductively if he wants to come to your place for a drink and a pregnancy test.” Maybe not that, though, but you know what I mean.

  94. Ted Luoma says:

    I’m so glad I don’t exhibit any of those creativity signs. Are they contagious? I’m a hack who is comfortable in his mediocrity. On another note, is that a box of red clown noses on your background pic?

  95. Loooove it. I have almost all of your symptoms…except the dreads, but I used to hang out with people that did. *Reblog!*

  96. Reblogged this on The Vagrant Writer and commented:
    I just found this blog today. It expresses my love/hate relationship with creativity.

  97. I have two Facebook Friends who live in Alberta. I’m going to have to share this with them – only because I love breaking their chops.

    When I was a kid, I remember hearing my mother tell my father how creative I was. My mother took great interest in my creativity because she was a writer for Reader’s Digest at the time. I learned at a young age about writing, and by the time I was in fifth-grade, I was writing essays that had the teachers accusing me of plagiarism. I learned back then that the core of creativity is not something that can be taught, or copied. Creativity is something that comes out of the imagination of one who sees the world around them in a unique and unparalleled, perspective. That is hardly an award-winning recipe for the bored and unsuccessful.

    I love the way you characterize people who are exhibiting alarming traits of creativity. Do you hang out at beginner, craft fairs or Home Depot, home-improvement seminars? I bet you get a kick out of watching them cutting 4-inch, ceramic tile for the first time and slicing their fingers open, right?

    Don’t get upset. I’m just busting your balls. I thought it was hilarious.

    You obviously are a columnist.

    • rossmurray1 says:

      Sorry, I read “sharing with Alberta,” thought “Uh-oh” and zoned out for the rest.

      Maybe true creativity can’t be taught but it can be nurtured, which is probably what teaching should be in the first place.

      No blood; I’m a pacifist. A pacifist columnist. A pacifnist.

      Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I love Alberta.

  98. godtisx says:

    Haha! Very funny and creative.. 😀

  99. adriception says:

    Reblogged this on Adri Ception and commented:
    One more time I feel like I belong in a group… very well said, I love this post!!!

  100. Reblogged this on The Urban Algorithm and commented:
    Guilty as charged!

  101. wallykstuff says:

    Warning signs of creativity is relevant,that’s what i think!

  102. wallykstuff says:

    Reblogged this on wallykstuff and commented:
    Never accept defeat,you will surely win the battle!

  103. holdenlyric says:

    In regards to your first point:

    Interestingly enough, I was sitting in my Psychology class and had to listen to a three hour lecture on Bipolar I and II Disorder. A few slides in, my teacher pulls up this slide basically saying all create writers artists and musicians are generally Bipolar.

    Of course, here I am a Creative Writing major sitting in a class with a bunch of Psychology majors. My minor is Psychology, that’s why I was there. It’s an upper-division class so you’re only there if you need to be.

    I want to stand up and scream “I’m not crazy!” but then I figured I’d be proving his point, so I just left class early and got a milkshake.

  104. Outlier Babe says:

    Just skimmed, really…didn’t read a word of your post, so can’t say whether it was funny or not. Well, except maybe the one Iphone, one child part…. And the crack about the kid wanting to go to art school. Oh, and the fancy-font lovers. Other than those, and a few other parts, I didn’t read a bit. So it is mere coincidence that THIS is here:

    A challenge-“No rhyme words for ‘poetry’?”
    Seed planted, my garden did grow a tree.
    Tree flowered. For fruits,
    I watered its roots;
    Then grass grew, and I had to mow a tree.

    Take THAT, funny boy.
    (Who’s suffering from ennui NOW? : )

  105. Healing Slowly says:

    “Difficulty concentrating on a single idea without being… barracudas in sombreros would look awesome.” This is my brain. Every. Single. Day. My brain is like a web browser that has at least 10 tabs open at any given time, and prone to opening more tabs based on a simple string of words that erupts into 5 more trains of thought. This post made me chuckle, because it was so tongue in cheek, which I always appreciate. I like the phrase that says, “If you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?” However, I much prefer the phrase that says, “If you can’t laugh at yourself, call me, and I’ll laugh at you.” This was brilliant, simply brilliant.

  106. Nic says:

    Apparently I’m two months late on this… (WHO AM I?) but this post is amazing. Thank you for highlighting the absurdity of the riddle of creativity. And I agree. Barracudas in sombreros WOULD look awesome!

  107. Overwhelming feeling of ennui trying to think of a witty response to this that rhymes with dreadlocks.

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